at Beckman

Reviewed on April 21, 2016

Fountain Valley
OC Register
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Claire Pritchard
Fountain Valley

Submitted for publication to OC Register

Beckman charms with ‘Rumors'

Attempted suicide, a smashed brand-new BMW, and four upper class couples make Beckman's production of "Rumors" hilarious and enticing.

The comedy tells the story of Ken Gorman, who discovers that his friend Charlie shot himself in the earlobe in an attempt to kill himself on his tenth wedding anniversary. His wife, Myra, is nowhere to be found, and Ken and his wife, Chris, must find a way to cover up the scandal as Charlie's friends arrive for his anniversary party.

Immediately impressive are Chris and Ken Gorman, played by Taylor Hullett and Yulen Javier, respectively. The two kick off the hilarity with a phone call to Ken's doctor, during which Ken frantically yells at Chris to tell her what to say. Hullett's exaggeratedly nervous facial expressions and stumbling over words make the play funny from the start.

Macklyn Flannery as Lenny Ganz adds to the comedy the moment he stumbles into the room, clutching his neck and claiming whiplash from a car accident that ruined his just-bought BMW. His dorky demeanor and lanky appearance contrast hilariously with his wife, Claire, played by Sarah Troup, who strides into the room and across the stage with remarkable presence. Throughout the play, Lenny's transition from nerdy to confident, even in the presence of curious police, adds a heartfelt touch to the show.

Natalie Utria as Cookie Cusack brings ridiculousness to the already energetic show with back spasms that make her scream at the most awkward times and crawl around the stage like a child. Her sarcastic quips keep the other characters, including her husband Ernie, played by Brad Boren, on their toes and in check, never quite sure when she will lash out.

Cassie Cooper, played by Audrie Kim, stands out from the rest of the women with a sweet, soft, high-pitched voice that delivers harsh words, changing from flirty and seductive to angry and cold in an instant. Her husband Glenn, played by Kenneth Howard, keeps his voice calm and even, even through their constant arguments, balancing out the turbulent two.

The costumes, designed by Natalie Utria further the characters' personalities, with Cassie's short, glamorous dress showing off her flirty-side while her husband's tuxedo establishes him as an especially proper man. Cookie's long-sleeved, ruffled number shows her modesty and Claire and Chris' similar gowns demonstrate their closer friendship.

Ultimately, Beckman's production of "Rumors" is made charming by funny but believable characters, each couple unique, yet cohesive.

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Sasha Anand

Submitted for publication to OC Register

"Rumors" fly about at Beckman

Imagine someone attending their friend's wedding anniversary dinner party, but there is no one there to greet them. Word has been released that there were two gunshots heard earlier that evening. Such is the case for Ken and Chris Gorman, who arrive first to Charlie and Myra Brock's anniversary party. They soon discover that Charlie has shot himself in the earlobe and Myra's whereabouts are unknown. As other guests begin to arrive, the rumors begin to spread and the questions begin to arise. Where is Myra? And what prompted Charlie to shoot himself? An elaborate dinner party for New York's finest sets the stage for this witty comedy.

Taylor Hullett portrays the anxious Chris Gorman, a woman who wants nothing more than to keep Charlie's story under wraps. Hullett effortlessly captures Chris's anxiety by fidgeting with her dress throughout the entirety of the ordeal. Hullett's performance was enhanced by her ever-present companions: her friend Claire Ganz and a glass of wine. Claire, played by Sarah Troup, is just as neurotic as Chris. Her facial expressions throughout the show constantly express her feelings about Charlie's predicament. Both women play their characters perfectly, each feeding off of each other's nerves, which soon succeeds in prompting the other characters to begin to panic.

Lenny Ganz, portrayed by Macklyn Flannery, is a light of comic relief in a tense situation. Flannery's comedic timing makes him stand out whenever he takes the stage. From ranting about people he and his wife meet at the tennis club to being a nervous wreck over his ruined BMW, Flannery's voice cracking and extravagant hand gestures add to the chaos in a hilarious way. Ken Gorman, played by Yulen Javier, also adds to this entertaining show. When Ken goes deaf after shooting himself in the ear while helping Charlie, Javier's portrayal of losing his hearing by stumbling around and yelling in everyone's face is one that immediately draws the audience's attention.

Hair and makeup is masterfully done by the amazingly talented Sarah Troup. The old age makeup that each character wears accentuates their facial features and adds depth to their expressions. Costumes are beautifully done by Natalie Utria. Each costume succeeds in adding a level to the character's personality.

Rumors spread very quickly, and as the characters in this show soon discover, sometimes without meaning to. One misspoken word, or in this show's case, misfired gunshot, can trigger a hilarious tale.

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Audrey Mitchell

Submitted for publication to OC Cappies Facebook

When Ken and Chris go to their friend Charlie's house for his anniversary, they expect a quiet dinner party. Instead, they get a missing host, a gunshot, and loads of trouble. As more guests arrive, Ken and Chris desperately try to keep the situation under wraps and hold the group together.

Beckman High School's "Rumors" is fast-paced and lively. Every character introduced responds differently to the stressful situation, relationships grow and deteriorate, and the minutes pass quickly as the hectic plot progresses.

Macklyn Flannery seems to possess unbridled energy as Lenny Gatz. The show culminates in Gatz's crazed and improvised monologue to the police, making up a story to explain the gunshots. Flannery dashes about the stage, reenacting the ludicrous story and jabbering in Spanish, as the rest of the characters look on in complete confusion.

Audrie Kim appears completely deranged as Cassie Cooper, a jealous wife. When dealing with her husband Glenn (Kenneth Howard), Kim is downright shrewish, screeching at the man as he tries to defend himself. Kim shows another side of her character as she begins to seduce the men onstage. Her voice lowers to a breathy whisper as she sashays around the hapless characters.

Sarah Troup is highly emotional as Claire Ganz. Whether acting disgruntled at the other characters, reclining uneasily on the sofa, or biting her knuckle after saying something thoughtless, Troup's character is entertaining and always slightly off-kilter.

Taylor Hullett portrays Chris Gorman, the heavy drinker of the group. When someone knocks on the door and everyone drops to the floor, Hullett army crawls to grab her wine glass from the table. Opposite Hullett is Yulen Javier as her husband, Ken. Ken provides comedy when he goes deaf, often misunderstanding what the other characters say.

Costumes, designed by Natalie Utria, show the differences in class between the characters.While most of the characters are dressed in evening gowns and suits, Cookie Cusack (Natalie Utria) wears a tacky purple polka-dotted dress, and, indeed, the tastelessness of her outfit matches her personality. Meanwhile, Yulen Javier's black and white suit is colored by an elegant touch of blood on the cravat.

Ultimately, Danger and comedy are an unlikely duo in Beckman High School's action-packed "Rumors."

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