Please note that the listings below are NOT nominations. The following names are the choices the critics made on Cappies show night. These names will be the names on the ballot from which the top five nominees will be selected.

2023-2024 Season Critics Choices for Sets

Ben Freund, Mads Maarbjerg, Luke Willis, and the AEHS Construction Crew, Albert Einstein High School, Lavender
Bring It On Set Team, Alexandria City High School, Bring It On
Niky Barrios De Leon, Lucas Torres, Autumn Tremante, Nico Vargas, Annandale High School, Mean Girls High School Version
Joseph Murray, Charlotte Rayder, Sarah Petz, Caroline Reams, and the BI Set Design Team, Bishop Ireton High School, Into the Woods
Katie Powderly, Set Crew, Centreville High School, Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella (Enchanted Edition)
Peyton Dunham, Dylan Hancock, Chantilly High School, Anything Goes
Tristan Perkins, Esther Petersen and Crew, Clarksburg High School , Mean Girls High School Version
Maya Gijon, Griffin Reinsel, Fairfax High School, Anastasia: The Musical
Leslie Fon, Max Purtill, Set Crew, Falls Church High School, Annie
Gainesville Technical Theatre Team, Gainesville High School, Macbeth
Arvand Fiske, Noah Saunders, H-B Woodlawn Secondary Program, Clue: On Stage (High School Edition)
Madison Beisner, Sam Rutledge, and the Dramahawks Set Team, Hayfield Secondary School, Les Misérables School Edition
Charly Olsen, Carson Brownlee, Herndon High School, Fiddler on the Roof
Luca Lundquist, Lyn Montalto, Leslie Payne, Jonah Uffelman, James Madison High School, Deadwood Dick, or A Game of Gold
Jasper Geer, Justice High School, The Picture of Dorian Gray
Kinsey Lin, and the Set Crew, Lake Braddock Secondary School, Romeo and Juliet
Killian Korchnak, Mo Rees, Yasmine Said, Sreeja Vemuri, Langley High School, Alice in Wonderland
Cassie Bessette, Timo Brown, Leah Sexton, Andrew Von Elm, McLean High School, Mr. Burns, A Post Electric Play
Millie Beaudry, Emily Marrow, Avery Pike, Augie Reitmeyer, Meridian High School, Frankenstein
CC Cheney, Sam Dresch, Elijah Knight, Keira Wankowski, and Crew, Mount Vernon High School, The Addams Family
Amelia Haid, Eliot Hettler, Shane Roy, Isabel Suk, Oakton High School, The Doctor in Wonderland
Purnika Adhikari, Karis Judd, Patrick Manyin, Osbourn Park High School, The SpongeBob Musical
Evan Hays, Emma Londoño, Ivy Speck, the QO Theatre Build and Paint Team, Quince Orchard High School, Chicago: Teen Edition
Ella Dyal, Liam Koenig, Acer Nicholson, Arwyn Oshry, Robinson Secondary School, Pride and Prejudice
Peter Escamilla, Aileen Randall, Victoria Salley, Rose Zakrzwski, Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School, A Midsummer Night's Dream
Andrew Beasley, Natalie Beasley, Adrian Jin, Matthew Walsh, South County High School, Much Ado About Nothing
The Big Fish Scenic Design and Set Construction & Painting Crew, South Lakes High School, Big Fish School Edition
Audrey Driscoll, Carmen Facciobene, St. Andrew's Episcopal School, Into the Woods
Lucas Aronson, Dava Boyce, Sabrina Khanna, and Olivia Pla, St. Stephen's and St. Agnes School, Pride and Prejudice
Mollymauk Alkadiri, Sophie Grzadzinski, and the Design Team, The New School of Northern VA, Red Herring
Lian Ballard, Penelope Shanks, Antonio Villavencencio, Charlotte Westbrook, Thomas A Edison High School, The Addams Family School Edition
Daniel Flores, Thomas Gay, Dani Hunter, Sri Vellakkat, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, The SpongeBob Musical
Skai Glasser, Caroline Melmed, and the Whitman Set Construction Team, Walt Whitman High School , Cabaret
Johnny Vo, Bridget Wagner, and The Sweeney Set Team, West Springfield High School, Sweeney Todd School Edition
Zachary Abdelmotalib, Naba Farooqui, Eloise Latimer, Chloe Lupo, Westfield High School, Miss Holmes
Henry Green, Kelsey Loomis, Hiroko Rose, and the 1776 Set Crew, Woodson High School, 1776
Sophie Coudert, Maeve Sawyer, Yorktown High School, Les Misérables School Edition

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