Please note that the listings below are NOT nominations. The following names are the choices the critics made on Cappies show night. These names will be the names on the ballot from which the top five nominees will be selected.

2023-2024 Season Critics Choices for Special Effects and or Technology

Hannah Burkhardt, Maikol Centeno, Ben Delnegro, Alexandria City High School, Bring It On
Cherri Hansford, Anna Wisneski, Bishop Ireton High School, Into the Woods
Abby Green, Max Lynch, Justin Meyer, Visual Effects Crew, Clarksburg High School , Mean Girls High School Version
Justin Chenh, McKenna Cobb, Falls Church High School, Annie
Cristina Aguirre and Maggie Godaire, Gainesville High School, Macbeth
Carson Brownlee, Isabella Ramsey, Herndon High School, Fiddler on the Roof
Bella Molino, and the Special Effects Crew, Lake Braddock Secondary School, Romeo and Juliet
Annabelle Bozarth, Isabella Steenburgh, Langley High School, Alice in Wonderland
Scott Fulkerson, Ethan Jones, Andrew Von Elm, Megan Wright, McLean High School, Mr. Burns, A Post Electric Play
Millie Beaudry, Sean Cunniffe, Naomi Lewis, Carlos Ortiz, Meridian High School, Frankenstein
William Ferreira, Oakton High School, The Doctor in Wonderland
Ash Payne, Emily Ta, Osbourn Park High School, The SpongeBob Musical
Josh Lewis, Ashley Miers Morinigo, South Lakes High School, Big Fish School Edition
Charles Bucher, Toan Do, Cullan Kelley, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, The SpongeBob Musical
Sofia Argüelles, Mia Cummings, Niko Godoy, Holly Purcell, Wakefield High School, The Prom School Edition
Peyton Morales, Christopher Seeger, West Springfield High School, Sweeney Todd School Edition
TJ Shultz, Keya Sikotra, Yorktown High School, Les Misérables School Edition

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